... Plans1
Available from CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/) and http://GKing.Harvard.edu/judgeit.
... King2
David Florence Professor of Government, Harvard University (Institute for Quantitative Social Science, 1737 Cambridge Street, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138; http://GKing.Harvard.Edu, King@Harvard.Edu, (617) 495-2027).
... Thomas3
PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, and Graduate Associate, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/$ \sim$ acthomas/; acthomas@fas.harvard.edu.
... system.4
The original version of JudgeIt, written by Gary King and Andrew Gelman in versions available for DOS and in the language Gauss, is still available at http://gking.harvard.edu/judgeit/judgeitI.
... election.5
The routine used to generate multivariate normal random variables is taken explicitly from the R library MASS.