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Here, we present examples for using Users can run these commands by typing demo( at the R prompt. First, we load the Lalonde data,

> data(lalonde)

The next line performs nearest neighbor matching based on the estimated propensity score from the logistic regression,

> m.out1 <- matchit(treat ~ re74 + re75 + age + educ, data = lalonde, 
+     method = "nearest", distance = "logit")

To obtain matched data, type the following command,

> m.data1 <-

It is easy to summarize the resulting matched data,

> summary(m.data1)

To obtain matched data for the treatment or control group, specify the option group as follows,

> m.data2 <-, group = "treat")
> summary(m.data2)
> m.data3 <-, group = "control")
> summary(m.data3)

We can also use the function to return unmatched data:

> <- lalonde[!row.names(lalonde)%in%row.names(,]

We can also specify different names for the subclass indicator, the weight variable, and the estimated distance measure. The following example first does a subclassification method, obtains the matched data with specified names for those three variables, and then print out the names of all variables in the resulting matched data.

> m.out2 <- matchit(treat ~ re74 + re75 + age + educ, data = lalonde, 
+     method = "subclass")
> m.data4 <-, subclass = "block", weights = "w", 
+     distance = "pscore")
> names(m.data4)

Gary King 2010-08-25