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You initially need to create both local R and local R library directories if they do not already exist. At the Unix command prompt in your home directory, do this by typing:

  > mkdir ~/.R ~/.R/library
Then open the `.Renviron' file that resides in your home directory, creating it if necessary, and adding the line:
  R_LIBS = "~/.R/library"
using your preferred text editor (e.g. pico, VI, Emacs, etc.). These steps only need to be performed once. After starting R, install ReadMe by typing at the R command prompt, either:
  > install.packages("ReadMe", repos = "")
You can ignore warning messages.

Alternatively, you may download the Unix bundle `ReadMe_XX.tar.gz', available from, and place it in your home directory. Note that `XX' is the current version number. Then, at the Unix command line from your home directory, type

  > R CMD INSTALL ReadMe_XX.tar.gz
to install the package.

Gary King 2010-08-31