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Simulating Parameters

Whether you choose to use the default method, or write a model-specific method for simulating parameters, these functions require the same three inputs:

The output from param() should be either

There are two ways to simulate parameters:

  1. Use the param.default() function to extract parameters from the model and, if bootstrapping is not selected, simulate coefficients using asymptotic normal approximation. The param.default() function relies on two R functions:

    1. coef(): extracts the coefficients. Continuing the Normal regression example from above, the appropriate coef.normal() function is simply:
      coef.normal <- function(object)
    2. vcov(): extracts the variance-covariance matrix. Again continuing the Poisson example from above:
      vcov.normal <- function(object)

  2. Alternatively, you can write your own param.contrib() function. This is appropriate when:
    1. Your model has auxiliary parameters, such as 140#140 in the case of the Normal distribution.
    2. Your model performs some sort of correction to the coefficients or the variance-covariance matrix, which cannot be performed in either the coef.contrib() or the vcov.contrib() functions.
    3. Your model does not rely on asymptotic approximation to the log-likelihood. For Bayesian Markov-chain monte carlo models, for example, the param.contrib() function ( param.MCMCzelig() in this case) simply extracts the model parameters simulated in the model-fitting function.
    Continuing the Normal example,
    param.normal <- function(object, num = NULL, bootstrap = FALSE, 
                       terms = NULL) {
      if (!bootstrap) {
        par <- mvrnorm(num, mu = coef(object), Sigma = vcov(object))
        Beta <- parse.par(par, terms = terms, eqn = "mu")
        sigma2 <- exp(parse.par(par, terms = terms, eqn = "sigma2"))
        res <- cbind(Beta, sigma2)
      else {
        par <- coef(object)
        Beta <- parse.par(par, terms = terms,  eqn = "mu")
        sigma2 <- exp(parse.par(par, terms = terms, eqn = "sigma2"))
        res <- c(coef, sigma2)

Gary King 2010-09-09